NY to LA in 45 minutes


Serial entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk unveiled design plans for his Hyperloop -- a superfast transport system that could cut the travel time from Los Angeles to San Francisco to 30 minutes, and cost a fraction of the currently proposed high speed rail project.

Musk, a co-founder of PayPal and the man behind commercial space transport firm Space-X and electric car maker Tesla (TSLA), said up to 1,000 employees from both Tesla and Space X worked to come up with the idea, which is basically an elevated tube that moves travel pods at nearly the speed of sound.

In a technical paper published Monday, Musk said his idea is similar to the "old pneumatic tubes used to send mail and packages within and between buildings," but would operate under much less pressure to save on energy.
The cars would be pushed or pulled through the tube by a series of electric motors, possibly similar to the ones used by the Tesla Model S. Each car would be mounted with a fan in front to move the air out of the way. The air itself would then be directed underneath the car, forming a cushion on which it would ride. The entire thing would be powered by solar panels mounted on top of the tube.

이번엔 혁신적인 이동수단 하이퍼루프(Hyperloop)를 만드는 것. 원통에 사람을 태우고 뉴욕에서 LA까지 45분, 미국에서 중국까지 단 2시간이면 가능합니다. 비용도 고속열차의 10분의 1 밖에 들지 않는다고.

어릴 적부터 '인터넷, 청정에너지, 우주 진출'이라는 원대한 꿈을 정했음에도, 불과 40세의 나이에 모든 것을 이룬 엘론 머스크, 그의 다음 도전이 궁금했는데 역시나 엄청난 일을 계획하고 있군요. 

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